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Assalamualaikum n gud day...Blogger want to shared with u guy about new windows from Microsoft,they call it Windows 8. Maybe some of u guy already knew this windows before and some of u maybe not. So lets cekidaut about this windows to u which dont know yet.


Windows 8 refers to the next version of Microsoft Windows after Windows 7. Scheduled for release around 2012. At the 2011 Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, Microsoft announced that it would be including support for system-on-a-chip (SoC) and mobile ARM processor in its next version of the Windows operating system, which is expected to be called Windows 8. Cekidaut!!!

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Category: Global | Views: 1843 | Added by: Eylu | Date: 22 December 2011 | Comments (0)

Traditional Chinese medicine is an indispensable part of the glorious culture of the Chinese nation.

Traditional Chinese medicine (also known as TCM, simplified Chinese: 中医; traditional Chinese: 中醫; pinyin: zhōngyī) is considered a Complementary or Alternative Medical system in most of the world. It includes a range of traditional medical practices originating in China that developed over several thousand years. The English phrase "TCM" was created in the 1950s by the PRC in order to export Chinese medicine; there is no equivalent phrase in Chinese. In fact, TCM is a modern compilation of traditional Chinese medicine. TCM practices include theories, diagnosis and treatments such as herbal medicine, acupuncture and massage; often Qigong is also strongly affiliated with TCM. TCM is a form of so-called Oriental medicine, which includes other traditional East Asian medical systems such as traditional Japanese and Korean medicine.

Traditional chinese herbal medicine(left), and Acupuncture(right).

Massage(left) and Qigong(right).

TCM theory asserts that processes of the human body are interrelated and in constant interaction with the environment. TCM practitioners believe signs of disharmony help them to understand, treat and prevent illness and disease.

In the West, traditional Chinese medicine is considered a form of complementary and alternative medicine. TCM theory is based on a number of philosophical frameworks including the theory of Yin-yang, the Five Elements, the human body Meridian system, Zang Fu organ theory, and others. Diagnosis and treatment are conducted with reference to these concepts. TCM does not operate within the contemporary scientific paradigm, but some practitioners make efforts to bring practices into a biomedical and evidence-based medicine framework.

Traditional Chinese medicine is largely based on the philosophical concept that the human body is a small universe with a set of complete and sophisticated interconnected systems, and that those systems usually work in balance to maintain the healthy function of the human body. The balance of yin and yang is considered with respect to qi ("breath", "life force", or "spiritual energy"), blood, jing ("kidney essence" or "semen"), other bodily fluids, the Five elements, emotions, and the soul or spirit (
shen). TCM has a unique model of the body, notably concerned with the meridian system. Unlike the Western anatomical model which divides the physical body into parts, the Chinese model is more concerned with function. Thus, the TCM Spleen is not a specific piece of flesh, but an aspect of function related to transformation and transportation within the body, and of the mental functions of thinking and studying.

There are significant regional and philosophical differences between practitioners and schools which in turn can lead to differences in practice and theory.

Models of the body include:
Yin or Yang
Five elements
Zang Fu theory
Meridian (Chinese medicine)
Three jiaos also known as the Triple Burner or the Triple Warmer

Yin Yang(left), Five Elements(center), and Zang Fu Organs(right).

Meridians(left), and Three jiaos(right).

The Yin/Yang and five element theories may be applied to a variety of systems other than the human body, whereas Zang Fu theory, meridian theory and three-jiao (Triple warmer) theories are more specific. There are also separate models that apply to specific pathological influences, such as the Four stages theory of the progression of warm diseases, the Six levels theory of the penetration of cold diseases, and the Eight principles system of disease classification

Techniques :
Palpation of the patient's radial artery pulse (Pulse diagnosis) in six positions
Observation of the appearance of the patient''''s tongue
Observation of the patient's face
Palpation of the patient's body (especially the abdomen) for tenderness
Observation of the sound of the patient's voice
Observation of the surface of the ear
Observation of the vein on the index finger on small children
Comparisons of the relative warmth or coolness of different parts of the body
Observation of the patient's various odors
Asking the patient about the effects of his problem

Credit to : Sheilabunny
Category: Global | Views: 25358 | Added by: Eylu | Date: 01 December 2010 | Comments (16)

Persoalan yang sekian lama tak terjawab,Siapa keluar dulu AYAM atau TELUR? Blogger terbaca sebuah artikel mengenai persoalan ini dan yang menariknya jawapan telah ditemui untuk persoalan ini. Dari dulu hingga sekarang rasa-rasanya ramai orang mengatakan telur dulu yang wujud.

Sekadar gambar hiasan.

Namun sangkaan orang ramai adalah salah. Menurut seorang penyelidik British iaitu Dr.Colin Freeman dari Universiti Sheffield yang mendapat kerjasama dari Universiti Warwick dalam kajian yang telah dibuat ,beliau berpendapat AYAM sepatutnya wujud dulu berbanding dengan TELUR dan ini telah dibuktikan melalui kajian Sains.

Antara hujah yang blogger sendiri sukar memahaminya, Kenapa dikatakan AYAM keluar dulu? Formasi untuk membentuk TELUR hanya akan terjadi sekiranya PROTEIN diperolehi dan itu hanya terdapat pada Ovari AYAM. Disini secara tak langsung bermakna AYAM dulu wujud.hmmm...???

PROTEIN ini digelar OVOCLEDIDIN-17 (OC-17) yang bertindak untuk mempercepatkan ketumbesaran TELUR.Menurut Saintis mereka telah mengguna sebuah Super Komputer yang diberi nama HECTOR yang terletak di EDINBURGH untuk mengkaji formasi secara mendalam mengenai TELUR.

OC-17 ini merupakan elemen yang penting dalam pembentukan kulit TELUR. Fungsi PROTEIN yang terdapat pada Ovari AYAM pula akan menukarkan "Calcium Carbonate" kepada "Calcite Crystals" dalam pembentukan kulit TELUR dan dalam 24 jam 6 gram kulit TELUR terbentuk.

Amacam? Menarik what... Setiap kejadian perlu dingatkan bahawa tiada yang mustahil kalau dikehendaki olehNYA. Yang penting, Allah lebih tahu kerana Dia yang Maha Mencipta. Kita sebagai manusia diberi akal dan fikiran untuk memikirkan secara waras bahawa setiap kejadian pasti ada jawapannya. Renung-renungkannn...SHARING IS CARING.

- By Teratakarmo.

Category: Global | Views: 2148 | Added by: Eylu | Date: 15 November 2010 | Comments (1)

Paker diet, Gary Lee Poh Sing menyatakan rakyat Malaysia mudah mengalami serangan penyakit jantung dan strok berbanding penyakit kronik lain seperti kanser dan diabetes. Di antara faktor yang telah dikenalpasti menyumbang kepada serangan jantung di kalangan rakyat Malaysia adalah makanan yang tidak seimbang dan juga gaya hidup yang tidak aktif seperti kurang bersenam.

Menurut Gary Lee Poh Sing lagi faktor lain termasuk tekanan hidup yang semakin meningkat seperti sentiasa berhutang. Oleh yang demikian untuk mengelakkan dari diserang sakit jantung ni, individu di nasihatkan supaya mengamalkan amalan pemakanan yang sihat sebagaimana yang disyorkan oleh Piramid Pemakanan Negara.

Pada masa yang sama aktiviti bersenam dan mengelakkan diri dari terjebak dalam elemen yang boleh memberikan tekanan dalam kehidupan seharian juga perlu diamalkan oleh setiap individu.

Sakit jantung ni memang sukar dikesan dan boleh menyerang sesiapa sahaja. Sebetulnya blogger bersetuju dengan faktor-faktor penyumbang serangan sakit jantung yang disebutkan tadi. Semuanya berpunca dari dalaman individu itu sendiri.

Cuma bagi blogger ni pula bukan setakat faktor dalaman, faktor luaran dan suasana sekeliling pun boleh menjadi ‘mediator’ untuk serangan jantung ni. Beberapa faktor yang mungkin berkaitan mengikut pandangan blog ni:

  1. Bila tengah syok bawak kereta tiba-tiba kena hon dengan kuat oleh kenderaan lain. Maklumlah pemandu kat sini semuanya nak cepat. tu pun bisa buat huru hara dan kelam kabut dan boleh meningkatkan keberangkalian serangan jantung kalau tak menyirap darah pun;
  2. Bila tengok berita-berita mengejutkan yang tidak tersangka-sangka kat dalam media, maklumlah sekarang ni sudah ‘macam-macam ada’ gambar-gambar, klip video dan sebagainya pun boleh kasi heart attack jugak tu; dan
  3. Bila sudah banyak buat pelaburan dalam macam-macam skim, semua orang nak kaya ekspress, tiba-tiba terkantoi ditipu oleh pihak-pihak tertentu. Huh, memang luluh rasanya jantung tu kan;

Tu baru tiga faktor luaran yang blogger ni kenalpasti secara sepintas lalu, pastinya ada banyak lagi kejutan dan faktor yang boleh membawa serangan jantung yang boleh dikongsikan di sini. Mungkin juga dentuman mercun di stadium boleh menyumbang kepada serangan jantung. Tengah syok layan bola tetiba aje berdentum bunyi mercun.

Nota kaki: Senaman jari jemari di keyboard tidak boleh dianggap sebagai aktiviti senaman mahupun bersenam, begitu juga aktiviti berkebun sayur di farmville facebook.Heeee...

- By Jazmanie

Category: Global | Views: 1260 | Added by: Eylu | Date: 14 November 2010 | Comments (0)

Dalam usaha meluaskan lagi penggunaan Facebook dalam komuniti atas talian, pihak facebook di katakan akan memperkenalkan facebook mail, yang pernah dirujuk sebagai Project Titan dan juga secara tidak rasmi dianggap sebagai pencabar dan juga pembunuh kepada penguasaan gmail piha Google. Pelancaran facebook mail itu dijangka akan diadakan pada hari isnin akan datang bersama dengan alamat email namapengguna@facebook.com.

Info dari Laman techcrunch.com juga mendedahkan facebook mail akan berfungsi sebagaimana webmail produk yang lain dan boleh digunakan sebagai medium perhubungan sesama pengguna sekiranya mereka tidak log-in ke dalam dashboard utama facebook.

Nampaknya persaingan semakin sengit di antara dua gergasi utama dunia online ni. Setiap masa ada sahaja persaingan dan penambahbaikan yang dibuat oleh pihak yang terlibat.

Berdasarkan soalan-soalan yang dikemukakan dalam Bing Webmaster online survey, pihak Bing dan yahoo juga sedang berusaha dengan gigihnya untuk mengurangkan penguasaan google dalam dunia internet ni. Sudah pastinya persaingan yang sihat di kalangan penyedia perkhidmatan online akan memberikan banyak kelebihan kepada pengguna.

Ada kemungkinan juga selepas ni Facebook tiba-tiba rasa nak memperkenalkan facebook blog yang mana akan berfungsi seperti blog platform percuma blogspot.com ataupun wordpress.com. Paling tidak pun Facebook Analytic kalau bukan Facebook Webmaster. Pada pandangan blogger ini tidak mustahil perkara ini akan berlaku.

Berbalik semula kepada facebook mail tadi, nampak gayanya bertambah lagilah akaun email blogger ini, Email blogger sedia ada antaranya yahoomail dan gmail. Lepas ni kylerul@facebook.com lah pulak gayanya.hahaha...

Atau mungkin ada pengguna yang nak mudah, dapat akaun facebook mail tu forward kan aje ke alamat gmail sedia ada, takut ada kes lupa password ke, manalah tau kan?? Tapi stakat lupa password tu bukanlah masalah besar pon, bole request 'forget password' apa.

Sumber rujukan dan bacaan lanjut : http://techcrunch.com/2010/11/11/facebook-gmail-titan/

- By Jazmanie

Category: Global | Views: 1340 | Added by: Eylu | Date: 14 November 2010 | Comments (0)

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Category: Global | Views: 1238 | Added by: Eylu | Date: 11 November 2010 | Comments (0)

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Category: Global | Views: 1211 | Added by: Eylu | Date: 01 November 2010 | Comments (0)

Letusan gunung berapi di Yogyakarta.

Letusan Merapi: Mungkin pembalasan YOGYAKARTA: "Ini mungkin pembalasan tuhan atas segala dosa yang dilakukan pemimpin dan yang menjadi kor
ban adalah penduduk,” kata seorang lelaki yang hanya mahu dikenali sebagai Yonco. Dia diminta mengulas mengenai kesan debu yang berlaku di Kota Jogja semalam selepas kali terakhir kesan itu melanda kota ‘kebal’ ancaman Gunung Merapi terbabit sejak 1961. Kota Jogja dianggap sebagai kota aman dan bebas daripada sebarang ancaman Gunung Merapi kerana mempunyai Kraton (istana). Masih berpegang teguh kepada pemerintahan beraja yang dianggap berdaulat, penduduk percaya selagi adanya Kraton di kota itu, ia dapat mengelak sebarang bencana akibat letusan gunung berapi terbabit. Namun, semalam ‘kota keramat’ itu diliputi dengan hujan abu yang membuatkan penduduk terkejut dengan situasi itu. Menurut Yonco, 34, semua ini berlaku kerana dosa dilakukan pemimpin atasan di Yogyakarta dan kesannya terpaksa ditanggung penduduk miskin seperti mereka. "Mereka (pemimpin) mempunyai banyak wang dan boleh berpindah ke tempat selamat jika berlaku bencana. "Namun, penduduk miskin seperti kami yang terpaksa menanggung kesannya,” katanya. Menurutnya, yang boleh dilakukan penduduk di Kota Jogja ini hanya berdoa dan berserah kepada tuhan. Sementara itu, pelajar Malaysia di Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) terpaksa meneruskan kehidupan seperti biasa walaupun kesan abu melanda kota terbabit. Walaupun dilanda abu akibat letusan itu, mereka tetap meneruskan pembelajaran seperti biasa. Penuntut Malaysia tahun keempat Bidang Perubatan di UGM, Imran Azwan Azizan, 21, berkata fenomena seperti itu dianggap biasa oleh penduduk dan begitu juga penuntut Malaysia di sini. "Walaupun ada rakan yang mahu pulang, namun mereka tidak dapat berbuat demikian kerana kuliah masih diteruskan,” katanya. Setakat ini, 500 pelajar Malaysia di Yogyakarta dalam keadaan sihat dan mereka sentiasa dipantau dan dinasihatkan supaya berdiam di rumah selain memakai topeng menutup hidung dan mulut.

Category: Global | Views: 2154 | Added by: Eylu | Date: 01 November 2010 | Comments (0)

The journal titled "Gender differences in reasons for frequent blog posting” was done by Hsi-Peng Lu and Kuo-Lun Hsiao, from the Department of Information Management, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taipei, Taiwan and published in Online Information Review Vol. 33 No. 1, 2009 pp. 135-156 at Emerald Group Publishing Limited.

Just for your memory recall, A weblog is defined as a web site that contains entries in reverse chronological order (Thelwall and Hasler, 2007). weblogs, or blogs, have become very popular, according to a survey conducted by Technorati (2006), there are more than 70 million blogs worldwide and about 120,000 new weblogs each day (Sifry, 2007).

So the main purpose of the research is to improve understanding of what motivates individual blog owners to post information frequently on weblogs, and whether gender affects those motivations.  An empirical study involving 525 subjects was conducted to test this model.

The research findings shows that subjective norms have a stronger effect on the intention than personal outcome expectations or self-expression. Women’s intention for blog posting was strongly influenced by self-expression while men’s intention was strongly influenced by personal outcome expectations.

The research implications verified the effects of subjective norms, personal outcome expectations and self-expression on the intentions of weblog owners. The research found that these factors are important determinants of the intention to update weblogs. Moreover, it was found that gender moderates the relationships between factors and the intention in the research model.

While for practical implications especially for weblog service providers, the results can be used to develop tools to enhance people’s intentions to publish according to gender.

Another interesting researches that found significant differences exist between the electronic communication styles of women and men are:

  1. Gefen and Straub (2000) demonstrated that women tend to use electronic communication for rapport building and men tend to use it for reporting;
  2. Herring (1996) showed that requesting and providing information are more common in female-oriented than in male-oriented discussions;
  3. Wallace (1999) found that women may feel freer in real-time chats, while men may be more comfortable in asynchronous forums;
  4. female bloggers share more personal information on their blogs (Kennedy et al., 2005; Herring and Paolillo, 2006; Herring et al., 2006); and
  5. Gender plays an important role in determining technology use and behaviour on the internet (Gefen and Straub, 1997; Venkatesh and Morris, 2000; Ong and Lai, 2006).

So at least I got the idea on how women blog to express their feeling while men do blogging for personal outcome expectation. Interesting.

-Source : Jazmanie
Category: Global | Views: 87449 | Added by: Eylu | Date: 27 October 2010 | Comments (486)

Wikipedia had described stress as a biological term for the consequences of the failure of a human or animal to respond appropriately to emotional or physical threats to the organism, whether actual or imagined. It includes a state of alarm and adrenaline production, short-term resistance as a coping mechanism, and exhaustion. Common stress symptoms include irritability, muscular tension, inability to concentrate and a variety of physical reactions, such as headaches and elevated heart rate.  Stress can impact your body in many ways and cause a wide variety of symptoms.

Just decor picture.

Here are some of the most common changes in attitudes and behavior that people experience when they are under great pressure which I’ve extracted from a very practical book  Minimize Stress, Maximize Success, effective strategies for realizing your goals by Clare Harris (2003). Which ones apply to you?

  1. being irritable and snappy with colleagues
  2. coping at work but taking it out on loved ones at home
  3. sudden explosive temper although you’re usually a calm person
  4. becoming perfectionist – `good enough” just won’t do
  5. avoiding challenging tasks – doing small, unimportant things instead
  6. finding multi-tasking hard – having a pressing wish to have a single focus
  7. becoming distant and avoiding contact with workmates
  8. becoming hypersensitive to criticism
  9. trying to do everything yourself
  10. feeling panicky
  11. feeling tearful
  12. relying on alcohol
  13. overdosing on junk food, chocolate or coffee
  14. wanting to walk away from your work, when you used to enjoy it
  15. working longer hours without feeling you’re getting anywhere • going over and over things relentlessly in your mind
  16. waking in the night with a head full of work
-Source : Jazmanie
Category: Global | Views: 1353 | Added by: Eylu | Date: 26 October 2010 | Comments (0)

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